Plants dance with the secret language of flow

By: Marjory Mejia

Tillandsia pseudobaileyi air plant

The flowing dance of Tillandsia pseudobaileyi  Air Plant

“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” Albert Camus

Ah, Miami, a place of invisible summer, all year long. Hot, humid, wild, tropical. I realize that in missing other places, I haven’t paid that much attention to this beautiful earth, the one beneath my feet and sustaining me in the present moment. This is humbling and enlightening: If I search within my heart I find that I have so much to learn from plants, not just the beloved ONE I am blessed to commune with in ceremony, but all of them that form the landscape of my life. When the gates of my heart open, plants and animals have a language my body and soul are somehow able to grasp better than words.

We need to question what needs to be held sacred in our spaces, hearts, communities, and live accordingly.  Nature welcomes us home, but we often say no to the very thing that gives us joy.Can we surrender to what we love? Surrender is an act of giving yourself to what you love, with commitment, dedication, devotion, and the willingness to make sacrifices. It is not an act of defeat as my twitter friend @rascality wisely suggests; surrender is an act of courage, of openness, and of receptivity. An act of love.

Anything that you truly love and brings you joy raises your energy, frequency, vibration, resonance. I love plants and sea life, not just as aesthetic elements, but as a living, healing presence that brings me into alignment, pleasure and joy. I’m in love with the flow of these plants, the exquisite grace of their undulations, their spirited dance. Dear wanderers, what gives you pleasure, joy, a burst of energy and love? Will you say yes?


Air Plant – Baileyi (Pseudobaileyi) (Tillandsia)


Tillandsias – Air Plants on Driftwood


DIY shell hanging art octopus in lime green

medusa urchin air plant

Medusa sea urchin air plant

urchin installation art

Sea Urchins Hanging Art Installation

make-space-for-joy.marjorymejiaTomorrow is the new moon blessing the beginning of Make Space for Joy, a fiercely feminine circle of women. Let me know if you’d like to join…

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Get flowing!

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Jan 10, 2013
Categories: writings