Making space for new life

By: Marjory Mejia

Dear ones,

I am wishing us a blessed 2014 under this new moon. May we flow more freely to reveal, feel and experience the fiber of the sacred in our spaces, hearts and lives. May we pursue our life-enhancing dreams with courage and a fierce heart. But first, what do we need to release in order to travel more lightly and with a new found sense of purpose in the new year? What to leave behind and what to compost into new life? Here is a beautiful essay on the art of happiness by Jessica Shepherd, astrologer and soul alchemist at


Make space for joy

January 30th to March 1st. We all got something to liberate ourselves from. Things we carry that don’t really belong inside of us anymore, remnants from other times, residues that burden and diminish our ability to shine and embrace new life. This is an invitation to join the Make Space for Joy journey if you are feeling the need to tune into lunar energies in an experience of feminine space. This is for you if you feel the pull to digest lessons, clear the way, make space for what is yearning to be born from the depths of your being, in an experience of spaciousness, your true nature.

Make Space for Joy Testimonial:

I am still being blessed by Make Space for Joy even six months later:  Marjory’s class helped me to rediscover the peace in my heart and in my surroundings, and for that I am deeply grateful.  I have also had countless sweet experiences of joy – big and small – and they continue – refreshing my spirit and my life so much on a daily basis.  Now that the months have passed, I am seeing how I truly have “made Space for Joy” on many levels and my life is enriched greatly.  For example, I am gradually nurturing my home space and it is so healing for me to be here now; I communicate better with my husband and we are becoming best friends again; and I have had some wonderful adventures too!  Go figure!  I didn’t realize that by making space for joy it would encourage so many different types of joy to be in my life…from the spiritual to the daily small beauties.  Marjory’s gentle yet powerful clarity helps to clear the way for such change.
Thanks to this class, my 60th birthday celebration lasted a week – and I even went on a hot air balloon ride that was absolutely exquisite (and this is even though I’ve had some fear of heights).  And last week I went 100 feet down in a cave – and felt the breathing of Mother Earth as the cool air blew gently past me as the summer heat waves warmed the ground above.  I’ve taken more photographs; and began gardening again – a great passion, after 15 years of it being on the back burner.  Most importantly, the joy and longing of my heart was fulfilled in regaining my sense of profound peace.
Marjory has been an inspiring, intuitive, wise and compassionate guide in this month long adventure.  I would travel anywhere with this woman – she is totally committed to you and the process – and she’s “got your back” and is so kind and encouraging.  Her listening and being there on such a deep level helped me to believe in myself again; to remember that I matter, and that it is never too late to be kind to myself and live the life I always dreamed of living.  I’m doing it!  This work is transformative.
There is a sense of humor to all this – because initially I thought I was signing up for a bit of clutter removal and redecorating – not a life and spirit renovation!  What a gift.  The opportunity here is to make even small changes in your space, and have it send ripples of joy into your mind and heart and life.  I didn’t realize this could happen.
If it could happen to me, then surely you are granted a chance too.  When I signed on, I was in a rough place – I felt so discouraged, and was deeply grieving the death of my twin brother and mother who had died just months before.  Even in the midst of those challenges, Make Space for Joy helped me to heal and to tend my own heart.  Although Marjory’s process may appear straightforward and simple – it is powerfully transforming and healing – I assure you.  I am so grateful.  I hope you get to dive in too – you’ll learn about the beauty of yourself and life, and the joy and wonder that awaits you.   ~ Silpa B., in Oregon

Awakening with the elements of nature

March 1st to March 30th. I have been silently working on this material for the whole year. Please join this sacred circle if you are interested in exploring the depths of nature in the wild, in your heart, in your home space, starting in March.


I hope this year of writings nourished your soul in some way. A few highlights:

Trust this not knowing. It’s the crack that lets the light in

Beyond Decor | The Soul of your Space

Bees, honey, and the flow of life

Your Spirited Flesh

Feed your fire. Alchemy in the kitchen

Through the landscape of home & heart

The sensual spiritual bathroom, a sacred space of flow

Ode to Feminine Space. An architecture of flow. An architecture of the feminine

Oscillations of a heart in motion

Living Healing Gardens: Breathing life

Edgewalkers of flow

A prayer for the liberation of woman, earth, life

Thanks for being part of this magical year. Today, I say goodbye to a layer of my life with this deep realization: “I’m not a teacher, but an awakener.”~Robert Frost

With burning flowing love,

Get flowing!

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Jan 1, 2014
Categories: writings